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Methodists have worshipped here since 1887, but we like to think we have something real here for today.  We aim to preach the gospel on a daily basis, not solely from the pulpit, but through practical and visible commitment to serving others in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  We look forward to welcoming you.



We have a regular attendance of around 40 members, who meet for worship each Sunday morning at 10:30am.


Our Worship Team regularly prepare and lead an all-age service in a more interactive and informal format.  We are encouraged by the warm response to these services and hope you will look out for them and join us.


Our Mission

We believe that the door to salvation is open to all, and so are the doors to our church.  Our mission is simple - to Love God, Follow Jesus, and Serve our Neighbour.


Whilst we are proud to belong to a world-wide organisation, we aim to provide a service to the varying needs of our local community right here in Canton, Cardiff.


Our Calling

The ambitious redevelopment of our 19th Century building has provided an adaptable Worship Centre, meeting rooms and Welcome Space, helping us to provide refreshed and essential facilities more appropriate to the community in the 21st Century.  Our Worship Centre, Community Hall and facilities are safe, secure and fit for purpose.


In committing ourselves financially to such a significant investment, we are reminded that our vision must remain aligned with the changing needs of society today.  We are particularly focussed on:


  • Worship - increasing our awareness of God's presence and celebrating God's love

  • Learning and Caring - to help us grow in our Christian faith so that we may better support others

  • Service - using our resources to be good neighbours to people in need, and challenging injustice

  • Evangelism - working out our faith in our daily lives and sharing Christ with others

Inclusivity and Diversity

Having prayerfully considered the Methodist Church 'God in love unites us' report we now consider ourselves an inclusive church and are able to offer same-sex marriages on our premises.  To hear more of 'The Inclusive Methodist Church' please click here.

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